
“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”
― Marc Riboud

I'm a dreamer and believer. Most importantly, I'm a crazy cat lady. Ah, kidding, but I certainly do love my kitties.

I also love people - particularly my loved ones who have been graciously letting me use them as test subjects for my photography journey since I picked up my first camera in 2006. My first camera was a little, point-and-shoot Canon that faithfully got me through my first couple years of exploring the world of photography - and making me fall in love with it.

Over the years, photography has become such an important part of life. Moments are too precious, and our lives go by so fast - sometimes we forget to soak a moment in long enough to truly experience and remember it.

My photography style leans towards the candid and organic; With each click of the shutter, I strive to capture the true, natural essence that develops in a moment.

Having the opportunity to look back at a photo and experience the feelings you remember from that moment - that memory - is something extra special.

Creating lifelong memories - that’s what I strive to do ~